Saturday, October 20, 2007


The air is scented
with a fresh, renewed smell.
Life is abundant
with an extravaganza of activity,
as animals rise from their dry shelters
and see the sparkle of water drops
on leaves of plants and trees.

But as seasons change the birds
that usually chirp and flutter
around after a rain storm
are starting to disappear
for winter snows are coming
to replace the beauty
that is after the rain.


I like fog and mist.
Its eerie shimmer opens
a world of mystery,
creatures you never knew.
Some fly in mountainous fog.
Others scuttle in the lowland mists.
Fog parts and I leave
the realm of mystery,
creatures I never knew.


Actually, this is Vic, not Bill.

I've been encouraging Bill to write poetry because he really has a way with words and an uncanny knack for description. I have helped him "form them into poems" by using line breaks and removing articles and other "poetry" techniques, but all of the words are his, all the phrasing is his and the titles are his.

He and Sarah (this link is to her vampire novel and other writings) both have potential to be great writers. I like to think I had something to do with that. And in encouraging other young writers I have encountered.

Please leave comments!!!
